Almond Butter 40 lb, Sprouted, Organic

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Quick Overview
Our stone ground Better Than Roasted (BTR) Almond Butter is made from premium, organic, raw sprouted almonds and is perfect for dipping fruit, adding to a smoothie, drizzling on top of ice cream, or adding to your favorite recipe! Stock up today with this excellent source of vitamin E, magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron, fiber and is a delicious source of monounsaturated fat!

Ingredients: Organic Raw Sprouted California Almonds, Nothing Else Added



-Certified Organic

-Certified Kosher


-Processed in a peanut-free, dairy-free, and soy-free facility


Almonds are an excellent source of vitamin E, magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron, fiber and is a delicious source of monounsaturated fat--just one-quarter cup satisfies the daily recommended intake! Almonds butter also contains more calcium than other nut butters so it's great for raw vegan diets.


Our Better Than Roasted (BTR)Almond Butter makes a healthy and tasty addition to both your diet and savory dishes! Our BTR Almond Butter is made from premium, organic, raw BTR California Almonds and is perfect for dipping fruit, drizzling on top of ice cream, or adding to a smoothie or your favorite recipe!


Our Better Than Roasted (BTR) process maximizes the bioavailability of essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients in our nuts and seeds. It also removes bitterness and concentrates flavor, yielding a sweeter, more easily digestible, and more flavorful nut or seed. Read more about our BTR process HERE.


We stone grind our nut and seed butters to further preserve sensitive vitamins and nutrients. Read about the many proven benefits of stone grinding HERE.


FUN FACT! The Romans referred to almonds as the "Greek nut" in reference to the civilization suggested to have first cultivated them.!


Link to Walnut milkshake recipe (from nut butter recipe book)


Shelf life: One year if properly stored


Storage: Cool, dry, dark area. If stored at room temperature, oil may separate--stir before you enjoy! Better Than Roasted nut and seed butters can be refrigerated or frozen to extend freshness.